A rush to externalize accountability undermines professionals in domestic criminal justice agencies, Aung San Suu Kyi told ICJ.
Read moreThe world turns a blind eye as crimes like murder, trafficking in humans, sex, and drugs take place in Rohingya...
Read moreIndia should not besmirch its fine record of humane treatment of refugees by pursuing the deportation option in the case...
Read moreAung San Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy party do have support. But there is also a widespread...
Read moreAung San Suu Kyi commands enormous support in the political realm. But there is also a widespread nationalist perception that...
Read more“It is Myanmar which is solely responsible for the Rohingya problem and it is Myanmar which must solve it.," said...
Read more"We want to go back, recover our citizenship and live with dignity and with human rights. The world should assist...
Read moreChina is achieving its geopolitical goals in the region and its political objectives within Myanmar, but its influence and role...
Read more“Informal dialogue means people sitting around, ideally away from a formal negotiating table, and exchanging ideas and trying to build...
Read moreThe international community appears to be helpless and suffering from fatigue trying to solve the Rohingya issue, says Dr.Swaran Singh...
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