Colombo, Dec 31 (NewsWire) – A sharp increase has been announced in the annual licence fee for banks from 2022 by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL).
The new annual licence fee for banks comes after a period of three years as the CBSL had made the last upward revision in 2019.
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The CBSL didn’t change it thereafter in view of the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on Sri Lanka’s economy.
In tandem with growth in the banking sector, the categorisation of banks in terms of assets has been changed.
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The licence fee for the banks are as follows:
Assets above Rs. 2 trillion is Rs. 38 million.
Assets over Rs. 1-2 trillion, is Rs. 35 million.
Assets between Rs. 500 billion to Rs. 1 trillion is Rs. 28.5 million.
Assets between Rs. 200-500 billion is Rs. 25 million.
Assets between Rs. 125-200 billion is Rs. 18.5 million.
Assets between Rs. 75 and Rs. 125 billion is Rs. 12.5 million.
Assets between Rs. 25-75 billion is Rs. 6.5 million.
Assets below Rs. 25 billion is Rs. 3.3 million.
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