New Delhi, February 20 ( India on Tuesday asked the Maldivian government to end the State of Emergency, restore all rights, and abide the Supreme Court’s February 1 orders on the release of nine political detainees and the re-instatement of 12 unseated MPs.
A statement issued by the Ministry of External Affairs said: “The State of Emergency declared in Maldives on 5 February 2018 comes to an end this evening (Tuesday). It is our expectation that the government of Maldives will not be seeking extension of the State of Emergency so that the political process in Maldives will resume with immediate effect.”
“After the revocation of the emergency, democratic institutions including the judiciary should be allowed to function independently and in a fair and transparent manner in accordance with the Constitution.”
“The order issued by the Supreme Court of Maldives on February 1 2018 should be implemented in letter and spirit.”
“It is important that Maldives quickly returns to the path of democracy and the rule of law so that the aspirations of Maldivian people are met and the concerns of the international community are assuaged.”
(The featured image at the top shows the seat of the Govt of India in New Delhi)