October 17 (newsin.asia) – Extinction Rebellion Sri Lanka (XR Sri Lanka) co-hosted its first ever beach-cleanup strike on 12th October at the Dehiwala beach along with Chibby’s Friends & House of Hope, Climate Action Now Sri Lanka, Waste Action Lanka, and Flipyarn.
More than 40 volunteers attended the event and collected over 91 bags of waste from a 250-meter-long stretch of the beach. The waste was then segregated into, glass, hard and soft plastic, rubber and styrofoam. Some local children also joined in with the collection and were given ice cream as a reward for their effort. All the collected waste will be recycled by Flipyarn whilst the styrofoam will be given back to the manufacturers.
XR Sri Lanka also held a die-in demonstration at the beach, where volunteers acted as if dead on the ground, to spread awareness on the devastating effects of ocean pollution as well as the climate emergency.
The Extinction Rebellion is a rapidly growing international environmental movement calling for direct action to halt mass extinction and to minimize the risk of social collapse from the climate emergency. XR Sri Lanka aims to spread awareness on the climate emergency as well as the actions that needs to be undertaken in order to halt it before it’s too late.
Action needs to be taken at an individual, corporate and government level, in order to ensure a drastic reduction of our carbon footprint and to halt at the loss of biodiversity currently happening at a raging trend. Its second objective is to unite people, numerous groups and organizations in the country to form a cross-sectional collective environmental movement that brings the government to execute urgent systemic change to address the present climate and ecological crisis.
XR Sri Lanka plans to co-host more beach cleanup strikes, to spread awareness on ocean pollution, as well as reforest strikes where its volunteers will plant trees to spread awareness on Sri Lanka’s rapid deforestation.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ExctinctionRebellionSL/